Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, March!

Just wanted to give a birthday shout-out to all of our March babies! Here is a breakdown of the family birthdays this month:

March 1 - Richard
March 2 - Grandma Vu
March 4 - Aunt Hoa (In my case, Mom)
March 8 - Thuy & Uncle Van (Both on the same day)
March 9 - Chieu
March 20 - Uncle Von
March 24 - Kiet
March 31 - Long

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Texas Independence Relay

Hello all. I've posted pictures from our adventure this past weekend. It was the inaugural Texas Independence Relay!! And since we are the first officially registered team in event history, we made it a good one. Here's the brief skinny:

-200+ miles stretching from Gonzales, TX to San Jacinto, TX.
-12 Runners
-3 Support Team Members
-2 Vans
-Loads of fun and adventure!