Monday, November 12, 2007

Who's excited about Yoink Fest?

I am! In fact, I'm mega excited about. I also want to remind everyone that we'll likely be doing Yoink Fest on Friday November 23rd.

In a related announcement, I've heard from the grape vine that we'll be doing our official family Thanksgiving meal on Friday! This was apparently declared by our groovy grandmother. That's straight from the top, folks!


Secnarf said...

Thanksgiving on a Friday? How will we survive waiting in long shopping lines on Black Friday if we don't have the main shindig on Thursday??? I hope it's Pho or some other good home-cookin'.

Phi Nguyen said...

Don't worry. It'll be pho. Sweet sweet pho.

YES! said...

I will probably work friday morning. so Ill see ya that night.

Secnarf said...

Boo work!!!

Q1 said...

I don't know if I'll be able to make it this Thanksgiving. I've got a lot of work to do. I won't know for sure until Tuesday night. If I can't make it, then it's Thanksgiving home alone. How sad is that?

YES! said...

awww poor quan. no yoinking for you

Phi Nguyen said...

How about I yoink your school work?